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To Stage or Not to Stage

Home staging brings out your home’s most impressive assets so that the maximum number of potential buyers can imagine themselves living in it.

Home staging is a marketing strategy, with a dash of psychology. It’s adding and rearranging furniture and decor. It's putting welcoming spatial reference to an otherwise desolate empty space. It’s upgrading curb appeal. It’s doing whatever is necessary to dress up a house so it sells quickly and for the highest possible profit.

Home staging, if done right, creates a relaxing and inviting atmosphere, where potential buyers would want to linger. Per a 2021 report from the National Realtor's Association, staging raised the dollar value offered for a house between 1% and 5%, compared to similar homes on the market that hadn't been staged. To put that in monetary context, a $800,000 house could get between $8000 to $40,000 more in offer price.

Imagine if you were a buyer, and feel the effect yourself in these before and after pictures!

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